Tagged: Bahrain

Last Sunday in Bahrain

(aka Dave’s videos) We have had an eventful day! We found the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Manama and attended Mass. It was the same but different! 7 Priests and around 15 deacons officiated....

Bahrain – Al Muharraq

Today we went further afield to a different part of Bahrain which seemed more residential and not touristy or commercial. Al Muharraq. There were some gorgeous cultural sites and ancient houses dating back to...

Bahrain Bits and Bobs

Some musings… Bahrain is a beautiful city and the people are friendly and very accomodating of tourists who don’t know what they are doing i.e. us! I want to jot down some observations that...

Bahrain Fort

Qal’ At Al-Bahrain Fort We had read a lot about this fort, which is a 16th Century Portuguese fort on the sea front, but more incredibly the site underneath has been settled for thousands...

Bahrain Museum

The National Museum of Bahrain The National Museum is really cool. The building itself and the surrounding grounds have lots of sculptures and art pieces. (The courtyard with all its sculptures is reminiscent of...

Bahrain Souk

Bab Al Bahrain Souk Those with “eagle eyes” will have noted the similar name of our first ill fated hotel and the name of the souk! That is because, as we found out to...

Bahrain Mosque

Al Fateh Grand Mosque Fascinating insight into the Islamic faith during our guided tour of the Mosque. A fabulous day in this very different country – hot, dusty, construction going on everywhere, friendly, kind...