Sojourn in Jersey, Channel Isles.

After the drama on and off the track in Spa, Belgium, we took ourselves to visit Michelle’s mum, Wendy on the Channel Island of Jersey. From Liege in Brussels we passed through Rennes, Nantes and St. Malo in France.

For those who are not aware, Jersey is part of a chain of islands that are very close to France but belong to Britain and have done so since 1066. Jersey is famous for it’s long white sandy beaches and warm sunny summers – except this one. For like the rest of north and west Europe it has rained and rained and …rained. Jersey has an interesting history, more recently it was a fortified post with fortifications built by Sir Walter Raleigh, it has forts built for the Napoleonic wars and during WWII it was occupied by the Germans and became part of their Atlantic sea wall defence.

We thought we would share some photos of the wonderful island of Jersey, where there were moments of sunshine!

St Ouen

St Helier, a 6th hermit Century hermit lived in a cave here, he is the patron saint of Jersey

Indoor markets of Jersey, fish, flowers, fruit & veg

Elizabeth Castle built by Sir Walter Raleigh

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