Magical Monaco

The famous track of Monaco. The drivers all profess to love the circuit and it’s challenges but also acknowledge that overtaking is not easy. The setting is fantastic with the Principalities palace on the hill and lots of very large yachts in the marina. The billionaires had come to play. There were lots of “beautiful people'” and quite a few pouty lips on display. The ambiance was great – really jovial, safe and just fun!

The Monaco FanZone was the tiniest one yet! They had the same merchandise stores and activities to participate in but there were far fewer people and the area was very small. But it worked! Again, great fun.

The qualification rounds are anticipated eagerly as they produce lots of different leaders and drivers really putting it all on the line for that perfect lap. These quallies did not disappoint. They were really exciting, with Alonso and Ocon mixing up the top three positions and several crashes. Sainz out his Ferrari in the wall directly in front of our seats!! Even Hamilton had an altercation!

The Monaco circuit is prized because of it’s difficult windy streets and unpredictable weather. On this point the crowd erupted in cheers when the rain came down during the race- making the circuit very slippery and the result a little less obvious (apart from Verstappen who was miles in front and lapped half the field!). The crowd were fun and cheered their teams, especially Ferrari, particulary Le Clerc who is a local, and Alpine; who performed well and transferred their quallies results into a podium position. It was a really exciting race which of course ends with all the boats in the marina blowing their horns at the end – a very special and unique end to the race!

Post race was awesome! The pit lane is opened and the track (in front of our seats) was turned into a party zone. DJ’s and bars pop up on the track, everybody pours onto said track and the result is an awesome Monte Carlo Grand Prix after party on the street!! Strangely whilst everyone is partying to the max, a few metres away all the cars are being loaded onto the team lorries and the pit-walls are being dismantled – all whilst the party was going off in the same location! Lots of people, some with young kids, oldies like us and the young and the beautiful needing to be seen were all out for a good party. It was fantastic and yes, better than Miami.

(sorry for the big photo dump – we got very excited about Monaco Grand Prix and just wanted to share..)

A smaller fanzone meant we could get closer to the drivers!
Pit lane challenge – we blew them away
Fantastic seats with a great view of the pits!

Carlos Sainz hits the wall
Carlos Sainzs and the long walk back
Awesome pit stops
Not everyone walked, Lewis scooted!
The drivers walking down the Pits to the podium for the National Anthem before the race. Charles & Max in their ice vests.
And then it rained….carnage on the tracks, yellow flags, crashes, 360’s, the crowd went wild!
The turn on the chicane that caused so much trouble
After the race, partying on the track! And the corner – still black from tyre tracks!
Party time on the tracks post race! Monaco, the place to be!

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7 Responses

  1. jen says:

    Looking fit in that pit stop challenge!

  2. Brett Sewell says:

    You two look like you are having a heap of fun. Thanks for sharing so many photos and videos.

    • David&Michelle says:

      Thanks Brett, good to hear from you and glad to hear you are up and running again 😉

  3. Pam says:

    Hi Michelle and David. Enjoying all the videos and photos of your travels. We are just across the Med in Menorca. Look forward to seeing your photos of Barcelona. Hope you miss the rain and storms.

    • David&Michelle says:

      So close Pam!! How lovely to be in Menorca…we’re off to Toledo after Barcelona for a wee break! Kind of not taking too much note of the weather as we are just rollling with it!

      • Pam Gunning says:

        Enjoy Toledo. We were there a few years ago for the day and had a great time. We love Spain anyway but the tapas and the wine and the general culture is just brilliant. Make sure you walk round the outskirts and look back at the view of the town. So much history. Looking forward to your next stop. Xx

        • David&Michelle says:

          We are loving Toledo, the big annual Corpus Chirsti fiesta is on this week so we are being treated to some amazing sights and concerts and processions etc!! The Cathedral is incredible!! Taking your suggestion and walking around the outskirts tomorrow, thanks Pammy 🙂