Operation adventure!

Paperwork, paperwork! So much organisation and emails to get this sorted. Luckily, Michelle really enjoys trawling the internet looking for bargains, cool places to stay in unusal destinations and transport options! Obtaining race tickets has been a lot of fun but pretty stressful too. Waiting up for the Vegas tickets to open and having to make a quick decision on price, location and type of ticket only to find out they sold out in 20 mins! Still waiting for Qatar and Japan GP tickets to go on sale…

Packing up the house and saying goodbye – all very stressful. A big shout to House of Travel (Ferrymead) for all their hard work. Thank you Mel!

packing for 10 months…before the cull!
Haven’t even left but tears are flowing already at the thought of 10 months without seeing one another šŸ™
never ending supply of boxes to pack up the family home of 30 years!
Shout out to Mel Hubber, House of Travel Ferrymead – massive task preparing tickets!

I’m beginning to think my understanding of airline schedules is now on a par with a travel agent as I navigate different airlines, flight schedules and dates to match getting from country to country in the order of the race schedule, locking in those flights was a leap of faith (and financial terror!). The next exciting and time consuming job was researching accomodation for each race weekend – we settled on a mixture of Air BnB; camping; youth hostels and the odd hotel. Haven’t actually locked in any accomodation for the periods between the races yet (75% of the trip – eeek!) will wing this as we go. We are in most countries for 2.5 weeks with races taking up 4 days.

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13 Responses

  1. Linda-Jean Kenix says:

    Tell your kids that my door is open for a chat or just to catch up. Any time!!!! Lyttelton as well. I am here.

  2. Simon Harrison says:

    Love this guys – keep them coming! Have a fab and safe time xxx

  3. Simon Harrison says:

    Love this – keep them coming guys. Have a fab and safe trip xxxx

  4. Lindsey says:

    Great to see the first blog! Travel safe Lx

  5. Anni G says:

    Yay!… what’s not to love about crazy, decrepit adventures?! Can’t wait to see where you go and what you guys get up to. You’re going to make most marvelous memories xx

    • David&Michelle says:

      Thanks Anni, making memories already – hope to remember them all now šŸ˜‰

  6. Lindsay says:

    Inspirational! Enjoy every minute xx

  7. Stuart Fletcher says:

    So so good
    Those arches Roman versus Turkish?

  8. Catherine Wells says:

    Iā€™m loving this blog. You both look so relaxed and happy and chilled. Next stop Saudi? I going to block out the week either side of Silverstone as so much crap is going in the diary already

    • David&Michelle says:

      Thanks Catherine, we’re off to Jeddah in a couple of hours time!! See you in the summer šŸ™‚