Ahh Vienna! For those of a certain age that will mean something.

Vienna is another beautiful European city with lots history and churches. It does not matter how often you see, they are still wonderful. Vienna has an excellent transport system that allows you to get around the city with ease. The centre of Wien hosts the the Opera House and St. Steven’s Church. Vienna, like Prague, has lots of old buildings that are still being used today for cultural and musical events. Vienna is home to the famous Hapsburg dynasty that ruled large parts of Europe for centuries. Consequently, there are the amazing Hapsburg palaces to explore as well as the Austrian Parliamentary buildings which is decked out in the neo-classical Greek style to reference the birth place of democracy AND strangely enough there is a great wee theme park with rides and the oldest working ferris wheel in Europe, built over a century ago. Vienna is an interesting place.

Unlike Prague, Vienna has a modern feel along with the old and is definitely more gentrified than Prague. Has Vienna lost some of it’s charm because of this? Perhaps but it is still a beautiful city with lots of history and amazing sites the longer we stayed the more we loved the place and I feel we only scratched the surface of this Grand old Dame of cities.

St Stephen’s Cathedral, Vienna

The Ratthuis (impressive City Hall!)

VotivKirk. – quite stunning, we preferred it to the Cathedral.
The sky really looked like this … no special effects!
The interior, Votiv Church.

This Ferris Wheel opened in 1897!
St Peter’s Catholic Church
Habsburg Palace
Marie Therese Platz
Art Museum
Now the national library
The president lives in the Palace and is obviously fond of a flag or 2…couldn’t see NZ though!

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1 Response

  1. Ben Ellis says:

    I like the parliament build 🙂